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setup #

Setup systems ready for calculations.


  • setup_system

    Generate a set of molecule coordinate by using the PACKMOL package.

setup_system #

    components: list[tuple[str, int]],
    box_target_density: Quantity = 0.95 * _G_PER_ML,
    box_scale_factor: float = 1.1,
    box_padding: Quantity = 2.0 * openmm.unit.angstrom,
    tolerance: Quantity = 2.0 * openmm.unit.angstrom,
) -> tuple[Topology, Quantity]

Generate a set of molecule coordinate by using the PACKMOL package.


  • components (list[tuple[str, int]]) –

    A list of the form components[i] = (smiles_i, count_i) where smiles_i is the SMILES representation of component i and count_i is the number of corresponding instances of that component to create.

  • box_target_density (Quantity, default: 0.95 * _G_PER_ML ) –

    Target mass density when approximating the box size for the final system with units compatible with g / mL.

  • box_scale_factor (float, default: 1.1 ) –

    The amount to scale the approximate box size by.

  • box_padding (Quantity, default: 2.0 * angstrom ) –

    The amount of extra padding to add to the box size to avoid PBC issues in units compatible with angstroms.

  • tolerance (Quantity, default: 2.0 * angstrom ) –

    The minimum spacing between molecules during packing in units compatible with angstroms.


  • tuple[Topology, Quantity]

    A topology containing the molecules the coordinates were generated for and a unit [A] wrapped numpy array of coordinates with shape=(n_atoms, 3).

Source code in absolv/
def setup_system(
    components: list[tuple[str, int]],
    box_target_density: openmm.unit.Quantity = 0.95 * _G_PER_ML,
    box_scale_factor: float = 1.1,
    box_padding: openmm.unit.Quantity = 2.0 * openmm.unit.angstrom,
    tolerance: openmm.unit.Quantity = 2.0 * openmm.unit.angstrom,
) -> tuple[openff.toolkit.Topology, openmm.unit.Quantity]:
    """Generate a set of molecule coordinate by using the PACKMOL package.

        components: A list of the form ``components[i] = (smiles_i, count_i)`` where
            ``smiles_i`` is the SMILES representation of component `i` and
            ``count_i`` is the number of corresponding instances of that component
            to create.
        box_target_density: Target mass density when approximating the box size for the
            final system with units compatible with g / mL.
        box_scale_factor: The amount to scale the approximate box size by.
        box_padding: The amount of extra padding to add to the box size to avoid PBC
            issues in units compatible with angstroms.
        tolerance: The minimum spacing between molecules during packing in units
             compatible with angstroms.

        A topology containing the molecules the coordinates were generated for and
        a unit [A] wrapped numpy array of coordinates with shape=(n_atoms, 3).

    packmol_path = shutil.which("packmol")

    if packmol_path is None:
        raise FileNotFoundError(errno.ENOENT, os.strerror(errno.ENOENT), "packmol")

    box_size = (
        _approximate_box_size_by_density(components, box_target_density)
        * box_scale_factor

    molecules = {}

    for smiles, _ in components:
        if smiles in molecules:

        molecule = openff.toolkit.Molecule.from_smiles(smiles)
        molecule.generate_conformers(n_conformers=1) = f"component-{len(molecules)}.xyz"
        molecules[smiles] = molecule

    with openff.utilities.temporary_cd():
        for molecule in molecules.values():
            molecule.to_file(, "xyz")

        input_file_contents = _generate_input_file(
            [(molecules[smiles].name, count) for smiles, count in components],

        with open("input.txt", "w") as file:

        with open("input.txt") as file:
  , stdin=file, check=True, capture_output=True)

        with open("") as file:
            output_lines =

    coordinates = (
                [float(coordinate) for coordinate in coordinate_line.split()[1:]]
                for coordinate_line in output_lines[2:]
                if len(coordinate_line) > 0
        * openmm.unit.angstrom

    topology = openff.toolkit.Topology.from_molecules(
        [molecules[smiles] for smiles, count in components for _ in range(count)]
    topology.box_vectors = numpy.eye(3) * (box_size + box_padding)

    return topology, coordinates