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fep #

Prepare OpenMM systems for FEP calculations.


  • apply_fep

    Generate a system whereby a number of the molecules can be alchemically

  • set_fep_lambdas

    Set the values of the alchemical lambdas on an OpenMM context.

apply_fep #

    system: System,
    alchemical_indices: list[set[int]],
    persistent_indices: list[set[int]],
    custom_alchemical_potential: str | None = None,
) -> System

Generate a system whereby a number of the molecules can be alchemically transformed from a base chemical system.

  • Currently only OpenMM systems that have:

  • vdW + electrostatics in a single built-in non-bonded force

  • electrostatics in a built-in non-bonded force, vdW in a custom non-bonded force and vdW 1-4 interactions in a custom bond force
  • all of the above sans any electrostatics

are supported. * By default a soft-core version of the LJ potential with a-b-c of 1-1-6 and alpha=0.5 that can be scaled by a global lambda_sterics parameter will be used for alchemical-chemical vdW interactions embedded in an OpenMM NonbondedForce while the energy expression set on a CustomNonbondedForce will be be modified to have the form "lambda_sterics*({original_expression})".


  • system (System) –

    The chemical system to generate the alchemical system from

  • alchemical_indices (list[set[int]]) –

    The atom indices corresponding to each molecule that should be alchemically transformable. The atom indices must correspond to all atoms in each molecule as alchemically transforming part of a molecule is not supported.

  • persistent_indices (list[set[int]]) –

    The atom indices corresponding to each molecule that should not be alchemically transformable.

  • custom_alchemical_potential (str | None, default: None ) –

    A custom expression to use for the potential energy function that describes the chemical-alchemical intermolecular interactions. See the Notes for information about the default value.

    The expression must include "lambda_sterics".

Source code in absolv/
def apply_fep(
    system: openmm.System,
    alchemical_indices: list[set[int]],
    persistent_indices: list[set[int]],
    custom_alchemical_potential: str | None = None,
) -> openmm.System:
    """Generate a system whereby a number of the molecules can be alchemically
    transformed from a base chemical system.

        * Currently only OpenMM systems that have:

          - vdW + electrostatics in a single built-in non-bonded force
          - electrostatics in a built-in non-bonded force, vdW in a custom
            **non-bonded** force and vdW 1-4 interactions in a custom **bond** force
          - all of the above sans any electrostatics

          are supported.
        * By default a soft-core version of the LJ potential with a-b-c of 1-1-6
          and alpha=0.5 that can be scaled by a global `lambda_sterics` parameter
          will be used for alchemical-chemical vdW interactions embedded in an
          OpenMM ``NonbondedForce`` while the energy expression set on a
          ``CustomNonbondedForce`` will be be modified to have the form

        system: The chemical system to generate the alchemical system from
        alchemical_indices: The atom indices corresponding to each molecule that
            should be alchemically transformable. The atom indices **must**
            correspond to  **all** atoms in each molecule as alchemically
            transforming part of a molecule is not supported.
        persistent_indices: The atom indices corresponding to each molecule that
            should **not** be alchemically transformable.
        custom_alchemical_potential: A custom expression to use for the potential
            energy function that describes the chemical-alchemical intermolecular
            interactions. See the Notes for information about the default value.

            The expression **must** include ``"lambda_sterics"``.

    system = copy.deepcopy(system)

    # Make sure we track v-sites attached to any solutes that may be alchemically
    # turned off. We do this as a post-process step as the OpenFF toolkit does not
    # currently expose a clean way to access this information.
    atom_indices = alchemical_indices + persistent_indices
    atom_indices = _find_v_sites(system, atom_indices)

    alchemical_indices = atom_indices[: len(alchemical_indices)]
    persistent_indices = atom_indices[len(alchemical_indices) :]

    ) = _find_nonbonded_forces(system)

    if nonbonded_force is not None:
        _add_electrostatics_lambda(nonbonded_force, alchemical_indices)

    if custom_nonbonded_force is not None:
        for alchemical_force in _add_custom_vdw_lambda(

    elif nonbonded_force is not None:
        for alchemical_force in _add_lj_vdw_lambda(

        raise NotImplementedError

    return system

set_fep_lambdas #

    context: Context,
    lambda_sterics: float | None = None,
    lambda_electrostatics: float | None = None,

Set the values of the alchemical lambdas on an OpenMM context.


  • context (Context) –

    The context to update.

  • lambda_sterics (float | None, default: None ) –

    The (optional) value of the steric lambda.

  • lambda_electrostatics (float | None, default: None ) –

    The (optional) value of the electrostatics lambda.

Source code in absolv/
def set_fep_lambdas(
    context: openmm.Context,
    lambda_sterics: float | None = None,
    lambda_electrostatics: float | None = None,
    """Set the values of the alchemical lambdas on an OpenMM context.

        context: The context to update.
        lambda_sterics: The (optional) value of the steric lambda.
        lambda_electrostatics: The (optional) value of the electrostatics lambda.

    if lambda_sterics is not None:
        assert (
            0.0 <= lambda_sterics <= 1.0
        ), f"`{LAMBDA_STERICS}` must be between 0 and 1"
        context.setParameter(LAMBDA_STERICS, lambda_sterics)

    if lambda_electrostatics is not None:
        assert (
            0.0 <= lambda_electrostatics <= 1.0
        ), f"`{LAMBDA_ELECTROSTATICS}` must be between 0 and 1"

        context.setParameter(LAMBDA_ELECTROSTATICS, lambda_electrostatics)