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nonbonded #

Non-bonded potential energy functions.


  • PairwiseDistances

    A container for the pairwise distances between all particles, possibly within


  • compute_pairwise_scales

    Returns the scale factor for each pair of particles in the system by

  • compute_pairwise

    Computes all pairwise distances between particles in the system.

  • prepare_lrc_types

    Finds the unique vdW interactions present in a system, ready to use

  • lorentz_berthelot

    Computes the Lorentz-Berthelot combination rules for the given parameters.

  • compute_lj_energy

    Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of the vdW interactions using the

  • compute_dexp_energy

    Compute the potential energy [kcal / mol] of the vdW interactions using the

  • compute_coulomb_energy

    Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of the electrostatic interactions

PairwiseDistances #

Bases: NamedTuple

A container for the pairwise distances between all particles, possibly within a given cutoff.


  • idxs (Tensor) –

    The particle indices of each pair with shape=(n_pairs, 2).

  • deltas (Tensor) –

    The vector between each pair with shape=(n_pairs, 3).

  • distances (Tensor) –

    The distance between each pair with shape=(n_pairs,).

  • cutoff (Tensor | None) –

    The cutoff used when computing the distances.

idxs instance-attribute #

idxs: Tensor

The particle indices of each pair with shape=(n_pairs, 2).

deltas instance-attribute #

deltas: Tensor

The vector between each pair with shape=(n_pairs, 3).

distances instance-attribute #

distances: Tensor

The distance between each pair with shape=(n_pairs,).

cutoff class-attribute instance-attribute #

cutoff: Tensor | None = None

The cutoff used when computing the distances.

compute_pairwise_scales #

    system: TensorSystem, potential: TensorPotential
) -> Tensor

Returns the scale factor for each pair of particles in the system by broadcasting and stacking the exclusions of each topology.



  • Tensor

    The scales for each pair of particles as a flattened upper triangular matrix with shape=(n_particles * (n_particles - 1) / 2,).

Source code in smee/potentials/
def compute_pairwise_scales(
    system: smee.TensorSystem, potential: smee.TensorPotential
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Returns the scale factor for each pair of particles in the system by
    broadcasting and stacking the exclusions of each topology.

        system: The system.
        potential: The potential containing the scale factors to broadcast.

        The scales for each pair of particles as a flattened upper triangular matrix
        with ``shape=(n_particles * (n_particles - 1) / 2,)``.

    n_particles = system.n_particles
    n_pairs = (n_particles * (n_particles - 1)) // 2

    exclusion_idxs, exclusion_scales = _broadcast_exclusions(system, potential)

    pair_scales = smee.utils.ones_like(n_pairs, other=potential.parameters)

    if len(exclusion_idxs) > 0:
        exclusion_idxs, _ = exclusion_idxs.sort(dim=1)  # ensure upper triangle

        pair_idxs = smee.utils.to_upper_tri_idx(
            exclusion_idxs[:, 0], exclusion_idxs[:, 1], n_particles
        pair_scales[pair_idxs] = exclusion_scales

    return pair_scales

compute_pairwise #

    system: TensorSystem,
    conformer: Tensor,
    box_vectors: Tensor | None,
    cutoff: Tensor,
) -> PairwiseDistances

Computes all pairwise distances between particles in the system.


If the system is not periodic, no cutoff and no PBC will be applied.


  • system (TensorSystem) –

    The system to compute the distances for.

  • conformer (Tensor) –

    The conformer [Å] to evaluate the potential at with shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3) or shape=(n_particles, 3).

  • box_vectors (Tensor | None) –

    The box vectors [Å] of the system with shape=(n_confs3, 3) or shape=(3, 3) if the system is periodic, or None otherwise.

  • cutoff (Tensor) –

    The cutoff [Å] to apply for periodic systems.


  • PairwiseDistances

    The pairwise distances between each pair of particles within the cutoff.

Source code in smee/potentials/
def compute_pairwise(
    system: smee.TensorSystem,
    conformer: torch.Tensor,
    box_vectors: torch.Tensor | None,
    cutoff: torch.Tensor,
) -> PairwiseDistances:
    """Computes all pairwise distances between particles in the system.

        If the system is not periodic, no cutoff and no PBC will be applied.

        system: The system to compute the distances for.
        conformer: The conformer [Å] to evaluate the potential at with
            ``shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_particles, 3)``.
        box_vectors: The box vectors [Å] of the system with ``shape=(n_confs3, 3)``
            or ``shape=(3, 3)`` if the system is periodic, or ``None`` otherwise.
        cutoff: The cutoff [Å] to apply for periodic systems.

        The pairwise distances between each pair of particles within the cutoff.
    if system.is_periodic:
        return _compute_pairwise_periodic(conformer, box_vectors, cutoff)
        return _compute_pairwise_non_periodic(conformer)

prepare_lrc_types #

    system: TensorSystem, potential: TensorPotential
) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]

Finds the unique vdW interactions present in a system, ready to use for computing the long range dispersion correction.


  • system (TensorSystem) –

    The system to prepare the types for.

  • potential (TensorPotential) –

    The potential to prepare the types for.


  • tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]

    Two tensors containing the i and j indices into potential.paramaters of each unique interaction parameter excluding i==j, the number of ii interactions with shape=(n_params,), and the numbers of ij interactions with shape=(len(idxs_i),).

Source code in smee/potentials/
def prepare_lrc_types(
    system: smee.TensorSystem,
    potential: smee.TensorPotential,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    """Finds the unique vdW interactions present in a system, ready to use
    for computing the long range dispersion correction.

        system: The system to prepare the types for.
        potential: The potential to prepare the types for.

        Two tensors containing the i and j indices into ``potential.paramaters`` of
        each unique interaction parameter excluding ``i==j``, the number of ``ii``
        interactions with ``shape=(n_params,)``, and the numbers of ``ij`` interactions
        with ``shape=(len(idxs_i),)``.
    n_by_type = collections.defaultdict(int)

    for topology, n_copies in zip(system.topologies, system.n_copies, strict=True):
        parameter_counts = topology.parameters["vdW"].assignment_matrix.abs().sum(dim=0)

        for key, count in zip(potential.parameter_keys, parameter_counts, strict=True):
            n_by_type[key] += count.item() * n_copies

    counts = smee.utils.tensor_like(
        [n_by_type[key] for key in potential.parameter_keys], potential.parameters

    n_ii_interactions = (counts * (counts + 1.0)) / 2.0

    idxs_i, idxs_j = torch.triu_indices(len(counts), len(counts), 1)
    n_ij_interactions = counts[idxs_i] * counts[idxs_j]

    idxs_ii = torch.arange(len(counts))

    idxs_i =[idxs_i, idxs_ii])
    idxs_j =[idxs_j, idxs_ii])

    n_ij_interactions =[n_ij_interactions, n_ii_interactions])

    return idxs_i, idxs_j, n_ij_interactions

lorentz_berthelot #

    epsilon_a: Tensor,
    epsilon_b: Tensor,
    sigma_a: Tensor,
    sigma_b: Tensor,
) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]

Computes the Lorentz-Berthelot combination rules for the given parameters.


A 'safe' geometric mean is used to avoid NaNs when the parameters are zero. This will yield non-analytic gradients in some cases.


  • epsilon_a (Tensor) –

    The epsilon [kcal / mol] values of the first particle in each pair with shape=(n_pairs, 1).

  • epsilon_b (Tensor) –

    The epsilon [kcal / mol] values of the second particle in each pair with shape=(n_pairs, 1).

  • sigma_a (Tensor) –

    The sigma [kcal / mol] values of the first particle in each pair with shape=(n_pairs, 1).

  • sigma_b (Tensor) –

    The sigma [kcal / mol] values of the second particle in each pair with shape=(n_pairs, 1).


  • tuple[Tensor, Tensor]

    The epsilon [kcal / mol] and sigma [Å] values of each pair, each with shape=(n_pairs, 1).

Source code in smee/potentials/
def lorentz_berthelot(
    epsilon_a: torch.Tensor,
    epsilon_b: torch.Tensor,
    sigma_a: torch.Tensor,
    sigma_b: torch.Tensor,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    """Computes the Lorentz-Berthelot combination rules for the given parameters.

        A 'safe' geometric mean is used to avoid NaNs when the parameters are zero.
        This will yield non-analytic gradients in some cases.

        epsilon_a: The epsilon [kcal / mol] values of the first particle in each pair
            with ``shape=(n_pairs, 1)``.
        epsilon_b: The epsilon [kcal / mol] values of the second particle in each pair
            with ``shape=(n_pairs, 1)``.
        sigma_a: The sigma [kcal / mol] values of the first particle in each pair
            with ``shape=(n_pairs, 1)``.
        sigma_b: The sigma [kcal / mol] values of the second particle in each pair
            with ``shape=(n_pairs, 1)``.

        The epsilon [kcal / mol] and sigma [Å] values of each pair, each with
        ``shape=(n_pairs, 1)``.
    return smee.utils.geometric_mean(epsilon_a, epsilon_b), 0.5 * (sigma_a + sigma_b)

compute_lj_energy #

    system: TensorSystem,
    potential: TensorPotential,
    conformer: Tensor,
    box_vectors: Tensor | None = None,
    pairwise: PairwiseDistances | None = None,
) -> Tensor

Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of the vdW interactions using the standard Lennard-Jones potential.

  • No cutoff / switching function will be applied if the system is not periodic.
  • A switching function will only be applied if the potential has a switch_width attribute.


  • system (TensorSystem) –

    The system to compute the energy for.

  • potential (TensorPotential) –

    The potential energy function to evaluate.

  • conformer (Tensor) –

    The conformer [Å] to evaluate the potential at with shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3) or shape=(n_particles, 3).

  • box_vectors (Tensor | None, default: None ) –

    The box vectors [Å] of the system with shape=(n_confs, 3, 3) or shape=(3, 3) if the system is periodic, or None otherwise.

  • pairwise (PairwiseDistances | None, default: None ) –

    The pre-computed pairwise distances between each pair of particles in the system. If none, these will be computed within the function.


  • Tensor

    The computed potential energy [kcal / mol] with shape=(n_confs,) if the input conformer has a batch dimension, or shape=() otherwise.

Source code in smee/potentials/
@smee.potentials.potential_energy_fn(smee.PotentialType.VDW, smee.EnergyFn.VDW_LJ)
def compute_lj_energy(
    system: smee.TensorSystem,
    potential: smee.TensorPotential,
    conformer: torch.Tensor,
    box_vectors: torch.Tensor | None = None,
    pairwise: PairwiseDistances | None = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of the vdW interactions using the
    standard Lennard-Jones potential.

        * No cutoff / switching function will be applied if the system is not
        * A switching function will only be applied if the potential has a
          ``switch_width`` attribute.

        system: The system to compute the energy for.
        potential: The potential energy function to evaluate.
        conformer: The conformer [Å] to evaluate the potential at with
            ``shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_particles, 3)``.
        box_vectors: The box vectors [Å] of the system with ``shape=(n_confs, 3, 3)``
            or ``shape=(3, 3)`` if the system is periodic, or ``None`` otherwise.
        pairwise: The pre-computed pairwise distances between each pair of particles
            in the system. If none, these will be computed within the function.

        The computed potential energy [kcal / mol] with ``shape=(n_confs,)`` if the
        input conformer has a batch dimension, or ``shape=()`` otherwise.

    box_vectors = None if not system.is_periodic else box_vectors

    cutoff = potential.attributes[potential.attribute_cols.index(smee.CUTOFF_ATTRIBUTE)]

    pairwise = (
        if pairwise is not None
        else compute_pairwise(system, conformer, box_vectors, cutoff)

    if system.is_periodic and not torch.isclose(pairwise.cutoff, cutoff):
        raise ValueError("the pairwise cutoff does not match the potential.")

    parameters = smee.potentials.broadcast_parameters(system, potential)
    pair_scales = compute_pairwise_scales(system, potential)

    pairs_1d = smee.utils.to_upper_tri_idx(
        pairwise.idxs[:, 0], pairwise.idxs[:, 1], len(parameters)
    pair_scales = pair_scales[pairs_1d]

    eps_column = potential.parameter_cols.index("epsilon")
    sig_column = potential.parameter_cols.index("sigma")

    eps, sig = lorentz_berthelot(
        parameters[pairwise.idxs[:, 0], eps_column],
        parameters[pairwise.idxs[:, 1], eps_column],
        parameters[pairwise.idxs[:, 0], sig_column],
        parameters[pairwise.idxs[:, 1], sig_column],

    if potential.exceptions is not None:
        exception_idxs, exceptions = smee.potentials.broadcast_exceptions(
            system, potential, pairwise.idxs[:, 0], pairwise.idxs[:, 1]

        eps, sig = eps.clone(), sig.clone()  # prevent in-place modification

        eps[exception_idxs] = exceptions[:, eps_column]
        sig[exception_idxs] = exceptions[:, sig_column]

    x = (sig / pairwise.distances) ** 6
    energies = pair_scales * 4.0 * eps * (x * (x - 1.0))

    if not system.is_periodic:
        return energies.sum(-1)

    switch_fn, switch_width = _compute_switch_fn(potential, pairwise)
    energies *= switch_fn

    energy = energies.sum(-1)
    energy += _compute_lj_lrc(

    return energy

compute_dexp_energy #

    system: TensorSystem,
    potential: TensorPotential,
    conformer: Tensor,
    box_vectors: Tensor | None = None,
    pairwise: PairwiseDistances | None = None,
) -> Tensor

Compute the potential energy [kcal / mol] of the vdW interactions using the double-exponential potential.

  • No cutoff function will be applied if the system is not periodic.


  • system (TensorSystem) –

    The system to compute the energy for.

  • potential (TensorPotential) –

    The potential energy function to evaluate.

  • conformer (Tensor) –

    The conformer [Å] to evaluate the potential at with shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3) or shape=(n_particles, 3).

  • box_vectors (Tensor | None, default: None ) –

    The box vectors [Å] of the system with shape=(n_confs, 3, 3) or shape=(3, 3) if the system is periodic, or None otherwise.

  • pairwise (PairwiseDistances | None, default: None ) –

    Pre-computed distances between each pair of particles in the system.


  • Tensor

    The evaluated potential energy [kcal / mol].

Source code in smee/potentials/
@smee.potentials.potential_energy_fn(smee.PotentialType.VDW, smee.EnergyFn.VDW_DEXP)
def compute_dexp_energy(
    system: smee.TensorSystem,
    potential: smee.TensorPotential,
    conformer: torch.Tensor,
    box_vectors: torch.Tensor | None = None,
    pairwise: PairwiseDistances | None = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Compute the potential energy [kcal / mol] of the vdW interactions using the
    double-exponential potential.

        * No cutoff function will be applied if the system is not periodic.

        system: The system to compute the energy for.
        potential: The potential energy function to evaluate.
        conformer: The conformer [Å] to evaluate the potential at with
            ``shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_particles, 3)``.
        box_vectors: The box vectors [Å] of the system with ``shape=(n_confs, 3, 3)``
            or ``shape=(3, 3)`` if the system is periodic, or ``None`` otherwise.
        pairwise: Pre-computed distances between each pair of particles
            in the system.

        The evaluated potential energy [kcal / mol].
    box_vectors = None if not system.is_periodic else box_vectors

    cutoff = potential.attributes[potential.attribute_cols.index(smee.CUTOFF_ATTRIBUTE)]

    pairwise = (
        if pairwise is not None
        else compute_pairwise(system, conformer, box_vectors, cutoff)

    if system.is_periodic and not torch.isclose(pairwise.cutoff, cutoff):
        raise ValueError("the pairwise cutoff does not match the potential.")

    parameters = smee.potentials.broadcast_parameters(system, potential)
    pair_scales = compute_pairwise_scales(system, potential)

    pairs_1d = smee.utils.to_upper_tri_idx(
        pairwise.idxs[:, 0], pairwise.idxs[:, 1], len(parameters)
    pair_scales = pair_scales[pairs_1d]

    eps_column = potential.parameter_cols.index("epsilon")
    r_min_column = potential.parameter_cols.index("r_min")

    eps, r_min = smee.potentials.nonbonded.lorentz_berthelot(
        parameters[pairwise.idxs[:, 0], eps_column],
        parameters[pairwise.idxs[:, 1], eps_column],
        parameters[pairwise.idxs[:, 0], r_min_column],
        parameters[pairwise.idxs[:, 1], r_min_column],

    if potential.exceptions is not None:
        exception_idxs, exceptions = smee.potentials.broadcast_exceptions(
            system, potential, pairwise.idxs[:, 0], pairwise.idxs[:, 1]

        eps, r_min = eps.clone(), r_min.clone()  # prevent in-place modification

        eps[exception_idxs] = exceptions[:, eps_column]
        r_min[exception_idxs] = exceptions[:, r_min_column]

    alpha = potential.attributes[potential.attribute_cols.index("alpha")]
    beta = potential.attributes[potential.attribute_cols.index("beta")]

    x = pairwise.distances / r_min

    energies_repulsion = beta / (alpha - beta) * torch.exp(alpha * (1.0 - x))
    energies_attraction = alpha / (alpha - beta) * torch.exp(beta * (1.0 - x))

    energies = pair_scales * eps * (energies_repulsion - energies_attraction)

    if not system.is_periodic:
        return energies.sum(-1)

    switch_fn, switch_width = _compute_switch_fn(potential, pairwise)
    energies *= switch_fn

    energy = energies.sum(-1)

    energy += _compute_dexp_lrc(

    return energy

compute_coulomb_energy #

    system: TensorSystem,
    potential: TensorPotential,
    conformer: Tensor,
    box_vectors: Tensor | None = None,
    pairwise: PairwiseDistances | None = None,
) -> Tensor

Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of the electrostatic interactions using the Coulomb potential.

  • No cutoff will be applied if the system is not periodic.
  • PME will be used to compute the energy if the system is periodic.


  • system (TensorSystem) –

    The system to compute the energy for.

  • potential (TensorPotential) –

    The potential energy function to evaluate.

  • conformer (Tensor) –

    The conformer [Å] to evaluate the potential at with shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3) or shape=(n_particles, 3).

  • box_vectors (Tensor | None, default: None ) –

    The box vectors [Å] of the system with shape=(n_confs, 3, 3) or shape=(3, 3) if the system is periodic, or None otherwise.

  • pairwise (PairwiseDistances | None, default: None ) –

    The pre-computed pairwise distances between each pair of particles in the system. If none, these will be computed within the function.


  • Tensor

    The computed potential energy [kcal / mol] with shape=(n_confs,) if the input conformer has a batch dimension, or shape=() otherwise.

Source code in smee/potentials/
    smee.PotentialType.ELECTROSTATICS, smee.EnergyFn.COULOMB
def compute_coulomb_energy(
    system: smee.TensorSystem,
    potential: smee.TensorPotential,
    conformer: torch.Tensor,
    box_vectors: torch.Tensor | None = None,
    pairwise: PairwiseDistances | None = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of the electrostatic interactions
    using the Coulomb potential.

        * No cutoff will be applied if the system is not periodic.
        * PME will be used to compute the energy if the system is periodic.

        system: The system to compute the energy for.
        potential: The potential energy function to evaluate.
        conformer: The conformer [Å] to evaluate the potential at with
            ``shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_particles, 3)``.
        box_vectors: The box vectors [Å] of the system with ``shape=(n_confs, 3, 3)``
            or ``shape=(3, 3)`` if the system is periodic, or ``None`` otherwise.
        pairwise: The pre-computed pairwise distances between each pair of particles
            in the system. If none, these will be computed within the function.

        The computed potential energy [kcal / mol] with ``shape=(n_confs,)`` if the
        input conformer has a batch dimension, or ``shape=()`` otherwise.

    box_vectors = None if not system.is_periodic else box_vectors

    cutoff = potential.attributes[potential.attribute_cols.index(smee.CUTOFF_ATTRIBUTE)]

    pairwise = (
        if pairwise is not None
        else compute_pairwise(system, conformer, box_vectors, cutoff)

    if system.is_periodic and not torch.isclose(pairwise.cutoff, cutoff):
        raise ValueError("the distance cutoff does not match the potential.")

    if potential.exceptions is not None:
        raise NotImplementedError("exceptions are not supported for charges.")

    if system.is_periodic:
        return _compute_coulomb_energy_periodic(
            system, conformer, box_vectors, potential, pairwise
        return _compute_coulomb_energy_non_periodic(system, potential, pairwise)