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potentials #

Evaluate the potential energy of parameterized topologies.


  • nonbonded

    Non-bonded potential energy functions.

  • valence

    Valence potential energy functions.


  • broadcast_exceptions

    Returns the indices of the parameters that should be used to model interactions

  • broadcast_idxs

    Broadcasts the particle indices of each topology for a given potential

  • broadcast_parameters

    Returns parameters for the full system by broadcasting and stacking the

  • compute_energy

    Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of a system / topology in a given

  • compute_energy_potential

    Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] due to a SMIRNOFF potential

  • potential_energy_fn

    A decorator used to flag a function as being able to compute the potential for a

broadcast_exceptions #

    system: TensorSystem,
    potential: TensorPotential,
    idxs_a: Tensor,
    idxs_b: Tensor,
) -> tuple[Tensor, Tensor]

Returns the indices of the parameters that should be used to model interactions between pairs of particles


  • system (TensorSystem) –

    The system.

  • potential (TensorPotential) –

    The potential whose parameters should be broadcast.

  • idxs_a (Tensor) –

    The indices of the first particle in each interaction with shape=(n_interactions,).

  • idxs_b (Tensor) –

    The indices of the second particle in each interaction with shape=(n_interactions,).


  • tuple[Tensor, Tensor]

    The indices of the interactions that require an exception, and the parameters to use for those interactions.

Source code in smee/potentials/
def broadcast_exceptions(
    system: smee.TensorSystem,
    potential: smee.TensorPotential,
    idxs_a: torch.Tensor,
    idxs_b: torch.Tensor,
) -> tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]:
    """Returns the indices of the parameters that should be used to model interactions
    between pairs of particles

        system: The system.
        potential: The potential whose parameters should be broadcast.
        idxs_a: The indices of the first particle in each interaction with
        idxs_b: The indices of the second particle in each interaction with

        The indices of the interactions that require an exception, and the parameters
        to use for those interactions.
    assert potential.exceptions is not None

    parameter_idxs = []

    for topology, n_copies in zip(system.topologies, system.n_copies, strict=True):
        parameter_map = topology.parameters[potential.type]

        if isinstance(parameter_map, smee.ValenceParameterMap):
            raise NotImplementedError("valence exceptions are not supported")

        # check that each particle is assigned to exactly one parameter
        assignment_dense = parameter_map.assignment_matrix.to_dense()

        if not (assignment_dense.abs().sum(axis=-1) == 1).all():
            raise NotImplementedError(
                f"exceptions can only be used when each particle is assigned exactly "
                f"one {potential.type} parameter"

        assigned_idxs = assignment_dense.argmax(axis=-1)

        n_particles = len(assigned_idxs)

        assigned_idxs = torch.broadcast_to(
            assigned_idxs[None, :], (n_copies, n_particles)


    if len(parameter_idxs) == 0:
        return torch.zeros((0,), dtype=torch.int64), torch.zeros(
            (0, 0, len(potential.parameter_cols))

    parameter_idxs = torch.concat(parameter_idxs)
    parameter_idxs_a = parameter_idxs[idxs_a]
    parameter_idxs_b = parameter_idxs[idxs_b]

    if len({(min(i, j), max(i, j)) for i, j in potential.exceptions}) != len(
        raise NotImplementedError("cannot define different exceptions for i-j and j-i")

    exception_lookup = torch.full(
        (len(potential.parameters), len(potential.parameters)), -1

    for (i, j), v in potential.exceptions.items():
        exception_lookup[(min(i, j), max(i, j))] = v
        exception_lookup[(max(i, j), min(i, j))] = v

    exceptions_parameter_idxs = exception_lookup[parameter_idxs_a, parameter_idxs_b]
    exception_mask = exceptions_parameter_idxs >= 0

    exceptions = potential.parameters[exceptions_parameter_idxs[exception_mask]]
    exception_idxs = exception_mask.nonzero().flatten()

    return exception_idxs, exceptions

broadcast_idxs #

    system: TensorSystem, potential: TensorPotential
) -> Tensor

Broadcasts the particle indices of each topology for a given potential to the full system.



  • Tensor

    The indices with shape (n_interactions, n_interacting_particles) where n_interacting_particles is 2 for bonds, 3 for angles, etc.

Source code in smee/potentials/
def broadcast_idxs(
    system: smee.TensorSystem, potential: smee.TensorPotential
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Broadcasts the particle indices of each topology for a given potential
    to the full system.

        system: The system.
        potential: The potential.

        The indices with shape ``(n_interactions, n_interacting_particles)`` where
        ``n_interacting_particles`` is 2 for bonds, 3 for angles, etc.

    idx_offset = 0

    per_topology_idxs = []

    for topology, n_copies in zip(system.topologies, system.n_copies, strict=True):
        parameter_map = topology.parameters[potential.type]
        n_interacting_particles = parameter_map.particle_idxs.shape[-1]

        idxs = parameter_map.particle_idxs

        offset = (
            idx_offset + smee.utils.arange_like(n_copies, idxs) * topology.n_particles

        if len(idxs) > 0:
            idxs = offset[:, None, None] + idxs[None, :, :]
            per_topology_idxs.append(idxs.reshape(-1, n_interacting_particles))

        idx_offset += n_copies * topology.n_particles

    return (
        torch.zeros((0, 0))
        if len(per_topology_idxs) == 0
        else torch.vstack(per_topology_idxs)

broadcast_parameters #

    system: TensorSystem, potential: TensorPotential
) -> Tensor

Returns parameters for the full system by broadcasting and stacking the parameters of each topology.



  • Tensor

    The parameters for the full system with shape=(n_parameters, n_parameter_cols).

Source code in smee/potentials/
def broadcast_parameters(
    system: smee.TensorSystem, potential: smee.TensorPotential
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Returns parameters for the full system by broadcasting and stacking the
    parameters of each topology.

        system: The system.
        potential: The potential whose parameters should be broadcast.

        The parameters for the full system with
        ``shape=(n_parameters, n_parameter_cols)``.

    parameters = []

    for topology, n_copies in zip(system.topologies, system.n_copies, strict=True):
        parameter_map = topology.parameters[potential.type]

        topology_parameters = parameter_map.assignment_matrix @ potential.parameters

        n_interactions = len(topology_parameters)
        n_cols = len(potential.parameter_cols)

        topology_parameters = torch.broadcast_to(
            topology_parameters[None, :, :],
            (n_copies, n_interactions, n_cols),
        ).reshape(-1, n_cols)


    return (
        torch.zeros((0, len(potential.parameter_cols)))
        if len(parameters) == 0
        else torch.vstack(parameters)

compute_energy #

    system: TensorSystem | TensorTopology,
    force_field: TensorForceField,
    conformer: Tensor,
    box_vectors: Tensor | None = None,
) -> Tensor

Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of a system / topology in a given conformation(s).


  • system (TensorSystem | TensorTopology) –

    The system or topology to compute the potential energy of.

  • force_field (TensorForceField) –

    The force field that defines the potential energy function.

  • conformer (Tensor) –

    The conformer(s) to evaluate the potential at with shape=(n_particles, 3) or shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3).

  • box_vectors (Tensor | None, default: None ) –

    The box vectors of the system with shape=(3, 3) if the system is periodic, or None if the system is non-periodic.


  • Tensor

    The potential energy of the conformer(s) [kcal / mol].

Source code in smee/potentials/
def compute_energy(
    system: smee.TensorSystem | smee.TensorTopology,
    force_field: smee.TensorForceField,
    conformer: torch.Tensor,
    box_vectors: torch.Tensor | None = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of a system / topology in a given

        system: The system or topology to compute the potential energy of.
        force_field: The force field that defines the potential energy function.
        conformer: The conformer(s) to evaluate the potential at with
            ``shape=(n_particles, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3)``.
        box_vectors: The box vectors of the system with ``shape=(3, 3)`` if the
            system is periodic, or ``None`` if the system is non-periodic.

        The potential energy of the conformer(s) [kcal / mol].

    # register the built-in potential energy functions

    system, conformer, box_vectors = _prepare_inputs(system, conformer, box_vectors)
    pairwise = _precompute_pairwise(system, force_field, conformer, box_vectors)

    energy = smee.utils.zeros_like(
        conformer.shape[0] if conformer.ndim == 3 else 1, conformer

    for potential in force_field.potentials:
        energy += compute_energy_potential(
            system, potential, conformer, box_vectors, pairwise

    return energy

compute_energy_potential #

    system: TensorSystem | TensorTopology,
    potential: TensorPotential,
    conformer: Tensor,
    box_vectors: Tensor | None = None,
    pairwise: Optional[PairwiseDistances] = None,
) -> Tensor

Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] due to a SMIRNOFF potential handler for a given conformer(s).


  • system (TensorSystem | TensorTopology) –

    The system or topology to compute the potential energy of.

  • potential (TensorPotential) –

    The potential describing the energy function to compute.

  • conformer (Tensor) –

    The conformer(s) to evaluate the potential at with shape=(n_particles, 3) or shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3).

  • box_vectors (Tensor | None, default: None ) –

    The box vectors of the system with shape=(3, 3) or shape=(n_confs, 3, 3)if the system is periodic, orNone`` if the system is non-periodic.

  • pairwise (Optional[PairwiseDistances], default: None ) –

    Pre-computed pairwise distances between particles in the system.


  • Tensor

    The potential energy of the conformer(s) [kcal / mol].

Source code in smee/potentials/
def compute_energy_potential(
    system: smee.TensorSystem | smee.TensorTopology,
    potential: smee.TensorPotential,
    conformer: torch.Tensor,
    box_vectors: torch.Tensor | None = None,
    pairwise: typing.Optional["smee.potentials.nonbonded.PairwiseDistances"] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] due to a SMIRNOFF potential
    handler for a given conformer(s).

        system: The system or topology to compute the potential energy of.
        potential: The potential describing the energy function to compute.
        conformer: The conformer(s) to evaluate the potential at with
            ``shape=(n_particles, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3)``.
        box_vectors: The box vectors of the system with ``shape=(3, 3)`` or
            shape=(n_confs, 3, 3)`` if the system is periodic, or ``None`` if the system
            is non-periodic.
        pairwise: Pre-computed pairwise distances between particles in the system.

        The potential energy of the conformer(s) [kcal / mol].

    # register the built-in potential energy functions

    system, conformer, box_vectors = _prepare_inputs(system, conformer, box_vectors)

    energy_fn = _POTENTIAL_ENERGY_FUNCTIONS[(potential.type, potential.fn)]
    energy_fn_spec = inspect.signature(energy_fn)

    energy_fn_kwargs = {}

    if "box_vectors" in energy_fn_spec.parameters:
        energy_fn_kwargs["box_vectors"] = box_vectors
    if "pairwise" in energy_fn_spec.parameters:
        energy_fn_kwargs["pairwise"] = pairwise

    return energy_fn(system, potential, conformer, **energy_fn_kwargs)

potential_energy_fn #

    handler_type: str, energy_expression: str

A decorator used to flag a function as being able to compute the potential for a specific handler and its associated energy expression.

Source code in smee/potentials/
def potential_energy_fn(handler_type: str, energy_expression: str):
    """A decorator used to flag a function as being able to compute the potential for a
    specific handler and its associated energy expression."""

    def _potential_function_inner(func):
        if (handler_type, energy_expression) in _POTENTIAL_ENERGY_FUNCTIONS:
            raise KeyError(
                f"A potential energy function is already defined for "
                f"handler={handler_type} fn={energy_expression}."

        _POTENTIAL_ENERGY_FUNCTIONS[(handler_type, energy_expression)] = func
        return func

    return _potential_function_inner