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smee #


Differentiably evaluate energies of molecules using SMIRNOFF force fields


  • converters

    Convert to / from smee tensor representations.

  • geometry

    Compute internal coordinates (e.g. bond lengths).

  • mm

    Compute differentiable ensemble averages using OpenMM and SMEE.

  • potentials

    Evaluate the potential energy of parameterized topologies.

  • tests
  • utils

    General utility functions


  • EnergyFn

    An enumeration of the energy functions supported by smee out of the box.

  • PotentialType

    An enumeration of the potential types supported by smee out of the box.

  • NonbondedParameterMap

    A map between atom indices part of a particular valence interaction (e.g.

  • TensorConstraints

    A tensor representation of a set of distance constraints between pairs of

  • TensorForceField

    A tensor representation of a SMIRNOFF force field.

  • TensorPotential

    A tensor representation of a valence SMIRNOFF parameter handler

  • TensorSystem

    A tensor representation of a 'full' system.

  • TensorTopology

    A tensor representation of a molecular topology that has been assigned force

  • TensorVSites

    A tensor representation of a set of virtual sites parameters.

  • ValenceParameterMap

    A map between atom indices part of a particular valence interaction (e.g.

  • VSiteMap

    A map between virtual sites that have been added to a topology and their


  • add_v_site_coords

    Appends the coordinates of any virtual sites to a conformer (or batch of

  • compute_v_site_coords

    Computes the positions of a set of virtual sites relative to a specified

  • compute_energy

    Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of a system / topology in a given

  • compute_energy_potential

    Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] due to a SMIRNOFF potential



    The attribute that should be used to store the cutoff distance of a potential.


    The attribute that should be used to store the switch width of a potential, if the

CUTOFF_ATTRIBUTE module-attribute #


The attribute that should be used to store the cutoff distance of a potential.

SWITCH_ATTRIBUTE module-attribute #

SWITCH_ATTRIBUTE = 'switch_width'

The attribute that should be used to store the switch width of a potential, if the potential should use the standard OpenMM switch function.

This attribute should be omitted if the potential should not use a switch function.

EnergyFn #

Bases: _StrEnum

An enumeration of the energy functions supported by smee out of the box.

PotentialType #

Bases: _StrEnum

An enumeration of the potential types supported by smee out of the box.

NonbondedParameterMap dataclass #

    assignment_matrix: Tensor,
    exclusions: Tensor,
    exclusion_scale_idxs: Tensor,

A map between atom indices part of a particular valence interaction (e.g. torsion indices) and the corresponding parameter in a TensorPotential


  • to

    Cast this object to the specified device.


  • assignment_matrix (Tensor) –

    A sparse tensor that yields the parameters assigned to each particle in the

  • exclusions (Tensor) –

    Indices of pairs of particles (i.e. atoms or virtual sites) that should

  • exclusion_scale_idxs (Tensor) –

    Indices into the tensor of handler attributes defining the 1-n scaling factors

assignment_matrix instance-attribute #

assignment_matrix: Tensor

A sparse tensor that yields the parameters assigned to each particle in the system when multiplied with the corresponding handler parameters, with shape=(n_particles, n_parameters).

exclusions instance-attribute #

exclusions: Tensor

Indices of pairs of particles (i.e. atoms or virtual sites) that should have their interactions scaled by some factor with shape=(n_exclusions, 2).

exclusion_scale_idxs instance-attribute #

exclusion_scale_idxs: Tensor

Indices into the tensor of handler attributes defining the 1-n scaling factors with shape=(n_exclusions, 1).

to #

    device: DeviceType | None = None,
    precision: Precision | None = None,
) -> NonbondedParameterMap

Cast this object to the specified device.

Source code in smee/
def to(
    self, device: DeviceType | None = None, precision: Precision | None = None
) -> "NonbondedParameterMap":
    """Cast this object to the specified device."""
    return NonbondedParameterMap(
        _cast(self.assignment_matrix, device, precision),
        _cast(self.exclusions, device, precision),
        _cast(self.exclusion_scale_idxs, device, precision),

TensorConstraints dataclass #

TensorConstraints(idxs: Tensor, distances: Tensor)

A tensor representation of a set of distance constraints between pairs of atoms.


  • to

    Cast this object to the specified device.


  • idxs (Tensor) –

    The indices of the atoms involved in each constraint with

  • distances (Tensor) –

    The distance [Å] between each pair of atoms with shape=(n_constraints,)

idxs instance-attribute #

idxs: Tensor

The indices of the atoms involved in each constraint with shape=(n_constraints, 2)

distances instance-attribute #

distances: Tensor

The distance [Å] between each pair of atoms with shape=(n_constraints,)

to #

    device: DeviceType | None = None,
    precision: Precision | None = None,
) -> TensorConstraints

Cast this object to the specified device.

Source code in smee/
def to(
    self, device: DeviceType | None = None, precision: Precision | None = None
) -> "TensorConstraints":
    """Cast this object to the specified device."""
    return TensorConstraints(
        _cast(self.idxs, device, precision),
        _cast(self.distances, device, precision),

TensorForceField dataclass #

    potentials: list[TensorPotential],
    v_sites: TensorVSites | None = None,

A tensor representation of a SMIRNOFF force field.


  • to

    Cast this object to the specified device.


potentials instance-attribute #

potentials: list[TensorPotential]

The terms and associated parameters of the potential energy function.

v_sites class-attribute instance-attribute #

v_sites: TensorVSites | None = None

Parameters used to add and define the coords of v-sites in the system. The non-bonded parameters of any v-sites are stored in relevant potentials, e.g. 'vdW' or 'Electrostatics'.

to #

    device: DeviceType | None = None,
    precision: Precision | None = None,
) -> TensorForceField

Cast this object to the specified device.

Source code in smee/
def to(
    self, device: DeviceType | None = None, precision: Precision | None = None
) -> "TensorForceField":
    """Cast this object to the specified device."""
    return TensorForceField(
        [, precision) for potential in self.potentials],
        None if self.v_sites is None else, precision),

TensorPotential dataclass #

    type: str,
    fn: str,
    parameters: Tensor,
    parameter_keys: list[PotentialKey],
    parameter_cols: tuple[str, ...],
    parameter_units: tuple[Unit, ...],
    attributes: Tensor | None = None,
    attribute_cols: tuple[str, ...] | None = None,
    attribute_units: tuple[Unit, ...] | None = None,
    exceptions: dict[tuple[int, int], int] | None = None,

A tensor representation of a valence SMIRNOFF parameter handler


  • to

    Cast this object to the specified device.


  • type (str) –

    The type of handler associated with these parameters

  • fn (str) –

    The associated potential energy function

  • parameters (Tensor) –

    The values of the parameters with shape=(n_parameters, n_parameter_cols)

  • parameter_keys (list[PotentialKey]) –

    Unique keys associated with each parameter with length=(n_parameters)

  • parameter_cols (tuple[str, ...]) –

    The names of each column of parameters.

  • parameter_units (tuple[Unit, ...]) –

    The units of each parameter in parameters.

  • attributes (Tensor | None) –

    The attributes defined on a handler such as 1-4 scaling factors with

  • attribute_cols (tuple[str, ...] | None) –

    The names of each column of attributes.

  • attribute_units (tuple[Unit, ...] | None) –

    The units of each attribute in attributes.

  • exceptions (dict[tuple[int, int], int] | None) –

    A lookup for custom cross-interaction parameters that should override any mixing

type instance-attribute #

type: str

The type of handler associated with these parameters

fn instance-attribute #

fn: str

The associated potential energy function

parameters instance-attribute #

parameters: Tensor

The values of the parameters with shape=(n_parameters, n_parameter_cols)

parameter_keys instance-attribute #

parameter_keys: list[PotentialKey]

Unique keys associated with each parameter with length=(n_parameters)

parameter_cols instance-attribute #

parameter_cols: tuple[str, ...]

The names of each column of parameters.

parameter_units instance-attribute #

parameter_units: tuple[Unit, ...]

The units of each parameter in parameters.

attributes class-attribute instance-attribute #

attributes: Tensor | None = None

The attributes defined on a handler such as 1-4 scaling factors with shape=(n_attribute_cols,)

attribute_cols class-attribute instance-attribute #

attribute_cols: tuple[str, ...] | None = None

The names of each column of attributes.

attribute_units class-attribute instance-attribute #

attribute_units: tuple[Unit, ...] | None = None

The units of each attribute in attributes.

exceptions class-attribute instance-attribute #

exceptions: dict[tuple[int, int], int] | None = None

A lookup for custom cross-interaction parameters that should override any mixing rules.

Each key should correspond to the indices of the two parameters whose mixing rule should be overridden, and each value the index of the parameter that contains the 'pre-mixed' parameter to use instead.

For now, all exceptions are assumed to be symmetric, i.e. if (a, b) is an exception then (b, a) is also an exception, and so only one of the two should be defined.

As a note of caution, not all potentials (e.g. common valence potentials) support such exceptions, and these are predominantly useful for non-bonded potentials.

to #

    device: DeviceType | None = None,
    precision: Precision | None = None,
) -> TensorPotential

Cast this object to the specified device.

Source code in smee/
def to(
    self, device: DeviceType | None = None, precision: Precision | None = None
) -> "TensorPotential":
    """Cast this object to the specified device."""
    return TensorPotential(
        _cast(self.parameters, device, precision),
            if self.attributes is None
            else _cast(self.attributes, device, precision)

TensorSystem dataclass #

    topologies: list[TensorTopology],
    n_copies: list[int],
    is_periodic: bool,

A tensor representation of a 'full' system.


  • to

    Cast this object to the specified device.


  • topologies (list[TensorTopology]) –

    The topologies of the individual molecules in the system.

  • n_copies (list[int]) –

    The number of copies of each topology to include in the system.

  • is_periodic (bool) –

    Whether the system is periodic or not.

  • n_atoms (int) –

    The number of atoms in the system.

  • n_v_sites (int) –

    The number of v-sites in the system.

  • n_particles (int) –

    The number of atoms + v-sites in the system.

topologies instance-attribute #

topologies: list[TensorTopology]

The topologies of the individual molecules in the system.

n_copies instance-attribute #

n_copies: list[int]

The number of copies of each topology to include in the system.

is_periodic instance-attribute #

is_periodic: bool

Whether the system is periodic or not.

n_atoms property #

n_atoms: int

The number of atoms in the system.

n_v_sites property #

n_v_sites: int

The number of v-sites in the system.

n_particles property #

n_particles: int

The number of atoms + v-sites in the system.

to #

    device: DeviceType | None = None,
    precision: Precision | None = None,
) -> TensorSystem

Cast this object to the specified device.

Source code in smee/
def to(
    self, device: DeviceType | None = None, precision: Precision | None = None
) -> "TensorSystem":
    """Cast this object to the specified device."""
    return TensorSystem(
        [, precision) for topology in self.topologies],

TensorTopology dataclass #

    atomic_nums: Tensor,
    formal_charges: Tensor,
    bond_idxs: Tensor,
    bond_orders: Tensor,
    parameters: dict[str, ParameterMap],
    v_sites: VSiteMap | None = None,
    constraints: TensorConstraints | None = None,
    residue_idxs: list[int] | None = None,
    residue_ids: list[str] | None = None,
    chain_idxs: list[int] | None = None,
    chain_ids: list[str] | None = None,

A tensor representation of a molecular topology that has been assigned force field parameters.


  • to

    Cast this object to the specified device.


  • atomic_nums (Tensor) –

    The atomic numbers of each atom in the topology with shape=(n_atoms,)

  • formal_charges (Tensor) –

    The formal charge of each atom in the topology with shape=(n_atoms,)

  • bond_idxs (Tensor) –

    The indices of the atoms involved in each bond with shape=(n_bonds, 2)

  • bond_orders (Tensor) –

    The bond orders of each bond with shape=(n_bonds,)

  • parameters (dict[str, ParameterMap]) –

    The parameters that have been assigned to the topology.

  • v_sites (VSiteMap | None) –

    The v-sites that have been assigned to the topology.

  • constraints (TensorConstraints | None) –

    Distance constraints that should be applied during MD simulations. These

  • residue_idxs (list[int] | None) –

    The index of the residue that each atom in the topology belongs to with

  • residue_ids (list[str] | None) –

    The names of the residues that each atom belongs to with length=n_residues.

  • chain_idxs (list[int] | None) –

    The index of the chain that each atom in the topology belongs to with

  • chain_ids (list[str] | None) –

    The names of the chains that each atom belongs to with length=n_chains.

  • n_atoms (int) –

    The number of atoms in the topology.

  • n_bonds (int) –

    The number of bonds in the topology.

  • n_residues (int) –

    The number of residues in the topology

  • n_chains (int) –

    The number of chains in the topology

  • n_v_sites (int) –

    The number of v-sites in the topology.

  • n_particles (int) –

    The number of atoms + v-sites in the topology.

atomic_nums instance-attribute #

atomic_nums: Tensor

The atomic numbers of each atom in the topology with shape=(n_atoms,)

formal_charges instance-attribute #

formal_charges: Tensor

The formal charge of each atom in the topology with shape=(n_atoms,)

bond_idxs instance-attribute #

bond_idxs: Tensor

The indices of the atoms involved in each bond with shape=(n_bonds, 2)

bond_orders instance-attribute #

bond_orders: Tensor

The bond orders of each bond with shape=(n_bonds,)

parameters instance-attribute #

parameters: dict[str, ParameterMap]

The parameters that have been assigned to the topology.

v_sites class-attribute instance-attribute #

v_sites: VSiteMap | None = None

The v-sites that have been assigned to the topology.

constraints class-attribute instance-attribute #

constraints: TensorConstraints | None = None

Distance constraints that should be applied during MD simulations. These will not be used outside of MD simulations.

residue_idxs class-attribute instance-attribute #

residue_idxs: list[int] | None = None

The index of the residue that each atom in the topology belongs to with length=n_atoms.

residue_ids class-attribute instance-attribute #

residue_ids: list[str] | None = None

The names of the residues that each atom belongs to with length=n_residues.

chain_idxs class-attribute instance-attribute #

chain_idxs: list[int] | None = None

The index of the chain that each atom in the topology belongs to with length=n_atoms.

chain_ids class-attribute instance-attribute #

chain_ids: list[str] | None = None

The names of the chains that each atom belongs to with length=n_chains.

n_atoms property #

n_atoms: int

The number of atoms in the topology.

n_bonds property #

n_bonds: int

The number of bonds in the topology.

n_residues property #

n_residues: int

The number of residues in the topology

n_chains property #

n_chains: int

The number of chains in the topology

n_v_sites property #

n_v_sites: int

The number of v-sites in the topology.

n_particles property #

n_particles: int

The number of atoms + v-sites in the topology.

to #

    device: DeviceType | None = None,
    precision: Precision | None = None,
) -> TensorTopology

Cast this object to the specified device.

Source code in smee/
def to(
    self, device: DeviceType | None = None, precision: Precision | None = None
) -> "TensorTopology":
    """Cast this object to the specified device."""
    return TensorTopology(
        {k:, precision) for k, v in self.parameters.items()},
        None if self.v_sites is None else, precision),
            if self.constraints is None
            else, precision)

TensorVSites dataclass #

    keys: List[VirtualSiteKey],
    weights: list[Tensor],
    parameters: Tensor,

A tensor representation of a set of virtual sites parameters.


  • default_units

    The default units of each v-site parameter.

  • to

    Cast this object to the specified device.


  • keys (List[VirtualSiteKey]) –

    The unique keys associated with each v-site with length=(n_v_sites)

  • weights (list[Tensor]) –

    A matrix of weights that, when applied to the 'orientiational' atoms, yields a

  • parameters (Tensor) –

    The distance, in-plane and out-of-plane angles with shape=(n_v_sites, 3)

  • parameter_units (dict[str, Unit]) –

    The units of each v-site parameter.

keys instance-attribute #

keys: List[VirtualSiteKey]

The unique keys associated with each v-site with length=(n_v_sites)

weights instance-attribute #

weights: list[Tensor]

A matrix of weights that, when applied to the 'orientiational' atoms, yields a basis that the virtual site coordinate parameters can be projected onto with shape=(n_v_sites, 3, 3)

parameters instance-attribute #

parameters: Tensor

The distance, in-plane and out-of-plane angles with shape=(n_v_sites, 3)

parameter_units property #

parameter_units: dict[str, Unit]

The units of each v-site parameter.

default_units classmethod #

default_units() -> dict[str, Unit]

The default units of each v-site parameter.

Source code in smee/
def default_units(cls) -> dict[str, openff.units.Unit]:
    """The default units of each v-site parameter."""
    return {
        "distance": _ANGSTROM,
        "inPlaneAngle": _RADIANS,
        "outOfPlaneAngle": _RADIANS,

to #

    device: DeviceType | None = None,
    precision: Precision | None = None,
) -> TensorVSites

Cast this object to the specified device.

Source code in smee/
def to(
    self, device: DeviceType | None = None, precision: Precision | None = None
) -> "TensorVSites":
    """Cast this object to the specified device."""
    return TensorVSites(
        [_cast(weight, device, precision) for weight in self.weights],
        _cast(self.parameters, device, precision),

ValenceParameterMap dataclass #

    particle_idxs: Tensor, assignment_matrix: Tensor

A map between atom indices part of a particular valence interaction (e.g. torsion indices) and the corresponding parameter in a TensorPotential


  • to

    Cast this object to the specified device.


  • particle_idxs (Tensor) –

    The indices of the particles (e.g. atoms or virtual sites) involved in an

  • assignment_matrix (Tensor) –

    A sparse tensor that yields the assigned parameters when multiplied with the

particle_idxs instance-attribute #

particle_idxs: Tensor

The indices of the particles (e.g. atoms or virtual sites) involved in an interaction with shape=(n_interactions, n_cols). For a bond n_cols=2, for angles n_cols=3 etc.

assignment_matrix instance-attribute #

assignment_matrix: Tensor

A sparse tensor that yields the assigned parameters when multiplied with the corresponding handler parameters, with shape=(n_interacting, n_parameters).

to #

    device: DeviceType | None = None,
    precision: Precision | None = None,
) -> ValenceParameterMap

Cast this object to the specified device.

Source code in smee/
def to(
    self, device: DeviceType | None = None, precision: Precision | None = None
) -> "ValenceParameterMap":
    """Cast this object to the specified device."""
    return ValenceParameterMap(
        _cast(self.particle_idxs, device, precision),
        _cast(self.assignment_matrix, device, precision),

VSiteMap dataclass #

    keys: list[VirtualSiteKey],
    key_to_idx: dict[VirtualSiteKey, int],
    parameter_idxs: Tensor,

A map between virtual sites that have been added to a topology and their corresponding 'parameters' used to position them.


  • to

    Cast this object to the specified device.


  • keys (list[VirtualSiteKey]) –

    The keys used to identify each v-site.

  • key_to_idx (dict[VirtualSiteKey, int]) –

    A map between the unique keys associated with each v-site and their index in

  • parameter_idxs (Tensor) –

    The indices of the corresponding v-site parameters with shape=(n_v_sites, 1)

keys instance-attribute #

keys: list[VirtualSiteKey]

The keys used to identify each v-site.

key_to_idx instance-attribute #

key_to_idx: dict[VirtualSiteKey, int]

A map between the unique keys associated with each v-site and their index in the topology

parameter_idxs instance-attribute #

parameter_idxs: Tensor

The indices of the corresponding v-site parameters with shape=(n_v_sites, 1)

to #

    device: DeviceType | None = None,
    precision: Precision | None = None,
) -> VSiteMap

Cast this object to the specified device.

Source code in smee/
def to(
    self, device: DeviceType | None = None, precision: Precision | None = None
) -> "VSiteMap":
    """Cast this object to the specified device."""
    return VSiteMap(
        self.keys, self.key_to_idx, _cast(self.parameter_idxs, device, precision)

add_v_site_coords #

    v_sites: VSiteMap,
    conformer: Tensor,
    force_field: TensorForceField,
) -> Tensor

Appends the coordinates of any virtual sites to a conformer (or batch of conformers) containing only atomic coordinates.

  • This function only supports appending v-sites to the end of the list of coordinates, and not interleaving them between existing atomic coordinates.


  • v_sites (VSiteMap) –

    A mapping between the virtual sites to add and their corresponding force field parameters.

  • conformer (Tensor) –

    The conformer(s) to add the virtual sites to with shape=(n_atoms, 3) or shape=(n_batches, n_atoms, 3) and units of [Å].

  • force_field (TensorForceField) –

    The force field containing the virtual site parameters.


  • Tensor

    The full conformer(s) with both atomic and virtual site coordinates [Å] with shape=(n_atoms+n_v_sites, 3) or shape=(n_batches, n_atoms+n_v_sites, 3).

Source code in smee/
def add_v_site_coords(
    v_sites: "smee.VSiteMap",
    conformer: torch.Tensor,
    force_field: "smee.TensorForceField",
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Appends the coordinates of any virtual sites to a conformer (or batch of
    conformers) containing only atomic coordinates.

        * This function only supports appending v-sites to the end of the list of
          coordinates, and not interleaving them between existing atomic coordinates.

        v_sites: A mapping between the virtual sites to add and their corresponding
            force field parameters.
        conformer: The conformer(s) to add the virtual sites to with
            ``shape=(n_atoms, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_batches, n_atoms, 3)`` and units of
        force_field: The force field containing the virtual site parameters.

        The full conformer(s) with both atomic and virtual site coordinates [Å] with
        ``shape=(n_atoms+n_v_sites, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_batches, n_atoms+n_v_sites, 3)``.

    v_site_coords = compute_v_site_coords(v_sites, conformer, force_field)

    return[conformer, v_site_coords], dim=(1 if conformer.ndim == 3 else 0))

compute_v_site_coords #

    v_sites: VSiteMap,
    conformer: Tensor,
    force_field: TensorForceField,
) -> Tensor

Computes the positions of a set of virtual sites relative to a specified conformer or batch of conformers.


  • v_sites (VSiteMap) –

    A mapping between the virtual sites to add and their corresponding force field parameters.

  • conformer (Tensor) –

    The conformer(s) to add the virtual sites to with shape=(n_atoms, 3) or shape=(n_batches, n_atoms, 3) and units of [Å].

  • force_field (TensorForceField) –

    The force field containing the virtual site parameters.


  • Tensor

    A tensor of virtual site positions [Å] with shape=(n_v_sites, 3) or shape=(n_batches, n_v_sites, 3).

Source code in smee/
def compute_v_site_coords(
    v_sites: "smee.VSiteMap",
    conformer: torch.Tensor,
    force_field: "smee.TensorForceField",
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Computes the positions of a set of virtual sites relative to a specified
    conformer or batch of conformers.

        v_sites: A mapping between the virtual sites to add and their corresponding
            force field parameters.
        conformer: The conformer(s) to add the virtual sites to with
            ``shape=(n_atoms, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_batches, n_atoms, 3)`` and units of
        force_field: The force field containing the virtual site parameters.

        A tensor of virtual site positions [Å] with ``shape=(n_v_sites, 3)`` or
        ``shape=(n_batches, n_v_sites, 3)``.

    is_batched = conformer.ndim == 3

    if not is_batched:
        conformer = torch.unsqueeze(conformer, 0)

    if len(v_sites.parameter_idxs) > 0:
        local_frame_coords = force_field.v_sites.parameters[v_sites.parameter_idxs]
        local_coord_frames = _build_v_site_coord_frames(v_sites, conformer, force_field)

        v_site_coords = _convert_v_site_coords(local_frame_coords, local_coord_frames)
        v_site_coords = smee.utils.zeros_like((len(conformer), 0, 3), other=conformer)

    if not is_batched:
        v_site_coords = torch.squeeze(v_site_coords, 0)

    return v_site_coords

compute_energy #

    system: TensorSystem | TensorTopology,
    force_field: TensorForceField,
    conformer: Tensor,
    box_vectors: Tensor | None = None,
) -> Tensor

Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of a system / topology in a given conformation(s).


  • system (TensorSystem | TensorTopology) –

    The system or topology to compute the potential energy of.

  • force_field (TensorForceField) –

    The force field that defines the potential energy function.

  • conformer (Tensor) –

    The conformer(s) to evaluate the potential at with shape=(n_particles, 3) or shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3).

  • box_vectors (Tensor | None, default: None ) –

    The box vectors of the system with shape=(3, 3) if the system is periodic, or None if the system is non-periodic.


  • Tensor

    The potential energy of the conformer(s) [kcal / mol].

Source code in smee/potentials/
def compute_energy(
    system: smee.TensorSystem | smee.TensorTopology,
    force_field: smee.TensorForceField,
    conformer: torch.Tensor,
    box_vectors: torch.Tensor | None = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] of a system / topology in a given

        system: The system or topology to compute the potential energy of.
        force_field: The force field that defines the potential energy function.
        conformer: The conformer(s) to evaluate the potential at with
            ``shape=(n_particles, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3)``.
        box_vectors: The box vectors of the system with ``shape=(3, 3)`` if the
            system is periodic, or ``None`` if the system is non-periodic.

        The potential energy of the conformer(s) [kcal / mol].

    # register the built-in potential energy functions

    system, conformer, box_vectors = _prepare_inputs(system, conformer, box_vectors)
    pairwise = _precompute_pairwise(system, force_field, conformer, box_vectors)

    energy = smee.utils.zeros_like(
        conformer.shape[0] if conformer.ndim == 3 else 1, conformer

    for potential in force_field.potentials:
        energy += compute_energy_potential(
            system, potential, conformer, box_vectors, pairwise

    return energy

compute_energy_potential #

    system: TensorSystem | TensorTopology,
    potential: TensorPotential,
    conformer: Tensor,
    box_vectors: Tensor | None = None,
    pairwise: Optional[PairwiseDistances] = None,
) -> Tensor

Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] due to a SMIRNOFF potential handler for a given conformer(s).


  • system (TensorSystem | TensorTopology) –

    The system or topology to compute the potential energy of.

  • potential (TensorPotential) –

    The potential describing the energy function to compute.

  • conformer (Tensor) –

    The conformer(s) to evaluate the potential at with shape=(n_particles, 3) or shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3).

  • box_vectors (Tensor | None, default: None ) –

    The box vectors of the system with shape=(3, 3) or shape=(n_confs, 3, 3)if the system is periodic, orNone`` if the system is non-periodic.

  • pairwise (Optional[PairwiseDistances], default: None ) –

    Pre-computed pairwise distances between particles in the system.


  • Tensor

    The potential energy of the conformer(s) [kcal / mol].

Source code in smee/potentials/
def compute_energy_potential(
    system: smee.TensorSystem | smee.TensorTopology,
    potential: smee.TensorPotential,
    conformer: torch.Tensor,
    box_vectors: torch.Tensor | None = None,
    pairwise: typing.Optional["smee.potentials.nonbonded.PairwiseDistances"] = None,
) -> torch.Tensor:
    """Computes the potential energy [kcal / mol] due to a SMIRNOFF potential
    handler for a given conformer(s).

        system: The system or topology to compute the potential energy of.
        potential: The potential describing the energy function to compute.
        conformer: The conformer(s) to evaluate the potential at with
            ``shape=(n_particles, 3)`` or ``shape=(n_confs, n_particles, 3)``.
        box_vectors: The box vectors of the system with ``shape=(3, 3)`` or
            shape=(n_confs, 3, 3)`` if the system is periodic, or ``None`` if the system
            is non-periodic.
        pairwise: Pre-computed pairwise distances between particles in the system.

        The potential energy of the conformer(s) [kcal / mol].

    # register the built-in potential energy functions

    system, conformer, box_vectors = _prepare_inputs(system, conformer, box_vectors)

    energy_fn = _POTENTIAL_ENERGY_FUNCTIONS[(potential.type, potential.fn)]
    energy_fn_spec = inspect.signature(energy_fn)

    energy_fn_kwargs = {}

    if "box_vectors" in energy_fn_spec.parameters:
        energy_fn_kwargs["box_vectors"] = box_vectors
    if "pairwise" in energy_fn_spec.parameters:
        energy_fn_kwargs["pairwise"] = pairwise

    return energy_fn(system, potential, conformer, **energy_fn_kwargs)