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A simple package for storing topological information about a system to simulate.

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The mdtop framework aims to provide a simple, modern, and flexible way to store topological information about a system to simulate. While this may be 'yet another Topology object', it is designed to take the best of all worlds from the fantastic mdtraj, parmed, and openmm packages, and provide a clean way to store atom data, merge multiple topologies, and also select subsets using the ubiquitous PyMol atom selection language.


This package can be installed using conda (or mamba, a faster version of conda):

mamba install -c conda-forge mdtop

Getting Started#

Creating a Topology#

Topologies can be created from a variety of sources. However, the most robust workflows typically involve:

  • Creating a topology from OpenMM: Use the Topology.from_openmm() method to import an existing OpenMM topology containing, for example, a protein structure.
  • Creating a topology from an RDKit molecule: Use the Topology.from_rdkit() method to create a topology from an RDKit molecule representation.
  • Loading a topology from a file: Use the Topology.from_file() method to import an existing PDB, SDF, or MOL2 file.
from import PDBFile
from rdkit import Chem

from mdtop import Topology

# Load a protein topology from OpenMM
protein_top_omm = PDBFile("protein.pdb").topology
protein_top = Topology.from_openmm(protein_top_omm)
# OR
protein_top = Topology.from_file("protein.pdb")

# Load a ligand using RDKit
ligand_rd = Chem.MolFromMolFile("ligand.sdf")
ligand_top = Topology.from_rdkit(ligand_rd)
# OR
ligand_top = Topology.from_file("ligand.sdf")

# Merge the protein and ligand topologies
system_top = Topology.merge(protein_top, ligand_top)
# OR
system_top = protein_top + ligand_top

Atom Selection#

Subsets of atoms can be selected using a (for now) subset of the PyMol atom selection language.

For example, to select all atoms in chain A:

selection ="chain A")

or all atoms within 5 Å of the ligand:

atom_idxs ="all within 5. of resn LIG")

A subset of the topology can then be created using the subset() method:

subset = system_top.subset(atom_idxs)

or by indexing directly:

subset = system_top["chain A"]
# OR
subset = system_top[atom_idxs]

Exporting Topologies#

Topologies can be converted back into OpenMM or RDKit formats for further analysis or simulation.

# Export to OpenMM topology
system_top_omm = system_top.to_openmm()

# Export to RDKit molecule - this currently only works for topologies that contain
# full formal charge and bond order information.
mol_rd = ligand_top.to_rdkit()

They can also be directly written to a file:
